How to Install a Roll Pin

proper way to install roll pin

A roll pin is a versatile and adaptable device that can be used for both modern and mechanical purposes. The poles attach themselves by being pounded into an opening and have a high degree of pressure to keep a secure joint. In contrast to a standard pin, a roll pin has an opening down the … Read more

How to Read Deer Tracks

deer tracks direction

Deer hunting is one of the most exciting activities. If you want to have meat for your supper, going to the field and looking for a deer can make you get delicious meat for your dinner. In order to find them you must understand how to read their tracks. Animal tracking can be a difficult … Read more

How to Bait Turkeys

best way to bait turkeys

There are several ways one can use to bait turkeys. One of which is audio baiting and the other is food baiting. Turkey can be easily drawn by sounds that mimic them in a similar way they get attracted to food scent. Unlike old days where you had to go into the bush and find … Read more

How to Bait Deer Without Getting Caught

how to bait deer and not get caught

Deer hunting is an activity that has been there for a while now. Before it was regulated you could go ahead and hunt anyhowly in whichever way you liked. The reason why people hunt deer is partly because of meat and partly as a sport. Because of their decreasing population, governments are coming in to … Read more

How to Hunt Beavers

how do beavers hunt

Believe it or not, beavers are the most social animals I have ever come across. Their unity is just incredible and that is why you will see them walking in groups. People never bothered about hunting beavers before. They were only concentrating on deer and rabbits. In the recent past though, there has been a … Read more