Hunting from ground blinds has become a norm for hunters over the past few years. When placed in a strategic area, ground blinds offer the most exciting encounters with games that a hunter is hoping for. This is particularly true if the blind is left in place for an extended period allowing the animal to familiarize build a deer blind.
There is only one downside of leaving a portable deer blind in place for a long time; the effects of mother nature in it. It becomes prone to rain, wind, and sunlight, and it can easily fall apart after some time,
What is a Deer Blind?

A deer blind is a cover item for gamekeepers and hunters built to reduce the chances of being detected. The complexity and legality of deer blinds vary depending on the location, state, and season. Deer blinds are not legal in some areas, so hunters must check with the local legislation before constructing one.
An alternative to a deer blind is sitting still at the bottom of a tree. In some states, using a camouflaged build a deer blind to hunt is prohibited during the shotgun or rifle seasons. During such seasons, the deer hunter is required to add an orange patch to the blind so that the orange is visible from all angles.
How to Build Deer Blind Out of Pallets
If you are interested in build a deer blind, you should consider making it from pallets since it will save you cost. Pallets are mostly free for the asking, so; you will cut on costs there. Most businesses are always happy to give some away as long as you ask for permission.
How then will you build a deer blind?
What you need:
- Wooden pallets
- Deck screws
- Screw gun
- Grade stapler and staples
- Blind material
- Roofing material
- Assorted scrap lumber pieces
The procedure involves:
- Lay one pallet on the ground with the side with many boards facing up.
- Frame out three sides by overlapping the pallets’ ends so that the solo end stands alone in the middle. It should have its long ends sticking out on one of the sides of the pallet’s short side. This will ensure you have a nailer on the other two sides that oppose each other and run the entire length of both long sides near the ground pallet. They should be at par with the base pallet.
- Drive-in some screws to the attachment points to connect the three sides and the base. It would be advisable to place one screw at the top and another at each seam’s bottom. If you feel the need, add a cleat for stability.
- Run a 2×4 across the top of the open sidewall without a pallet. This will be the entrance. After securing everything, run extender boards vertically in each of the corners. They will support the roof and create a shooting rest and viewing quadrant, hence utilizing the pallet’s highest part as a resting place.
- Put a roof on the vertical extenders after connecting them with the 2×4 horizontal. You could use plywood with paper, another pallet wrapped with rubber roofing material, or a piece of tin.
- With the roof on, wrap and staple the whole blind with camouflage blind material, and it is relatively expensive. If you cannot escape this, look for some burlap material and a can of black spray paint to break up the outline. Let the air out for a few weeks and transport it to your ideal hunting place.
If you lack a trailer, you could build in the site. You can use an old pop-up chair, and you will end up with an excellent ground blind which is breathable during warm weather and perfect for crossbow and rifle hunting. Suppose you are planning to hunt with a vertical now; it would be best if you extended the roof higher so that you can comfortably stand and draw your bow.
Benefits of a Deer Blind
There are various ways to bunt deer, but blinds have several advantages compared to other hunting ways. Below are a few.
- Spacious
If you like hunting alone, this might not be helpful to you so much. But if you like hunting with your kids or a partner, it is nice to have some extra room. Deer blinds are great for hunting with kids and will allow you to leave with a lot, primarily if you hunt in the woods and not in a field.
- Weather
There is no fun sitting under a tree and getting snowed or poured on as you try to wait for a nature deer to come walking by. Even if you have armed yourself with the most water repellent and warmest gear, everything will somehow get wet.
Hunting in a deer blind, though, will keep you warm and safe. Most deer blinds are durable and are made of solid elements that can sustain harsh weather conditions. However, if you realize your blind is not safe enough, you can spray water repellent treatment on it to lock out the weather.
- Concealing
Sitting under a tree stand exposes you a lot. Gnarly and large trees will help reduce your profile, but it is tough to hide your movement when you are up in the sky. A deer blind makes it easy for you to get away with the movement. With a deer blind also, you can quickly get in and out without spooking any deer that might be in the neighborhood.
In the blind, you could freely eat a quick snack and later lift your binoculars to glare at something. You have high chances of hiding in a deer blind than you have in the open.
- Containing scents
A deer blind comes with highly efficient scent containment opportunities. If you are in a small enclosure, higher amounts of your scent are trapped than when you are outside. To reduce the scent from coming out of the deer blind, you can add ozone technology or scent elimination products.
- Portable
Deer blinds are portable, and you can move with them from one location to another. Moving a tree stand requires a fair amount of disturbance and effort. But with a deer blind, you can carry it to your following location without affecting the deer in your area.
Hunting Tactics with a Deers Blind
You know the benefits of hunting using a deer blind, but do you know the best practices? It would be best if you started practicing in your yard before the debut of the season. However ridiculous it might sound, it helps with familiarizing yourself with how exactly to set up your deer blind before you get to the woods and is expected to do so quietly.
Having mastered the best practices, go for some scouting and find out the ideal location where you will be hunting. After finding a spot, build a deer blind early enough so that it can air out before the season begins.
Do you know a deer blind can spook deer? It sometimes does, but you should set it up before the season begins and spray it with a spray to eliminate the scents, ensuring that the deer vet is used. You can try out these hunting tactics with your deer blind.
Near the Buffet
During the early and late seasons, you are likely to find more deer at their source of food. Food plots are an excellent choice to place your blind during these seasons, and they will pay heavily. However, there is a cost to pay. You have to remain undetected, or you could ruin your hunt if you get noticed or winded. Here is where your deer blind comes in.
You can set your deer blind on the edge of a field, ensuring you are always close to it. Ensure you place it in a place where you can access it and leave it without a deer knowing you are there. If you are hiding in a food plot, it means you might be left in the blind with no way out if the deer decide to feed till past shooting light.
If you want to move stealthily, you will have to move to the furthest point of the field. You can easily do this if you are rifle hunting or hunting from a deer blind. The bottom, one as you plan all this, is to avoid being seen by the deer wither going or leaving your deer blind else, the location will be compromised.
In the woods
You will not find the deer eating always abut you can get creative too; take the hunt to them. You know that getting close to their bedding area even during the day may be risky, so avoid that. But you can hunt for deer trails between the food sources and the bedding.
Trails are some of the best spots for deer blinds because they raise your chances of seeing a deer. You can tuck up your deer blind against a log pile or a naturally fallen tree and brush it with other branches from the site.
As you do this, ensure the blind is on the predominant lower side of the trail; else, you will be risking spooking a deer even if you have worked on the scent containment of your blind. If your deer blind has a mesh, you could observe the movement of the deer without them noticing you are around.
To enhance this, you could locate trails passing through a natural funnel or pinch point like a swamp. This will make it easy for you to spot a deer.
If you are looking for a new hunting deer, let the deer get close to the deer blind since you are at the ground level. While shooting a deer from the stand is commendable, doing so from the ground is equally marvelous.
Take Away
With each passing day, people are doing away with the familiar tree and are starting to embrace blinds for hunting deer. Blinds are made of different substances, and you could make yours using a pallet using the procedure given above.
With a deer blind, you will be safe from harsh weather elements, warmer, and you will find it easy to get in and out of them. Deer blinds help various deer hunting circumstances like the open field, cut-over areas, and swamps since they remove the possibility of an obscure movevements, and hunter silhouette.
Deer will always ignore round and blocky shapes that appear in the woods or fields, making it easy to hunt with your deer blind. Even if you have a deer blind, you should also ensure your proficiency in shooting is incomparable so that once your spot a deer within close vicinity with the blind, you don’t miss a shot.