What is a group of turkeys called? The world of birds is a bit wider as you could have ever imagined. If you are a fanatic of birds or even a hunter, I bet you have come across a turkey bird. These creatures have elegant features. You will not want to get `1your eye off this pretty creature.
Besides their beauty, you will be even thrilled when you have a taste of leaner meat. Most Americans in the country keep turkeys domestically and utilize their meat for barbecues during social gatherings.
Others go for the rafter term. While others think it is a flock or gang of turkeys. Let us discuss more of this below. Also, the article will give you other in-depth information concerning turkeys.
An Overview of Group Of Turkeys Called

The domestic turkey is a massive fowl. It belongs to the species of genus Meleagris and is also a similar species to the wild turkey. Turkey’s domestication began around 2,000 years ago in Central Mesoamerica. The lifestyles spread across the continent.
Between 200 BC and AD 500, individuals in the southwestern part of the U.S. highly considered turkeys as their domestic animals. Most of the turkey varieties that exist today came from Central Mexico. The Spanish imported them into Europe during the 16th century.
Turkeys are a type of poultry that perform well in temperate regions. Industries make its cost more affordable because of their heavy meat production.
A female version of turkey is a hen, while the younger turkeys are typically called turkeylings. For the male version, it depends on the country you are coming from. If it is the United States, you might use the term tom. While in U.K. and Ireland, the male turkey is called a stag.
The younger turkeys tend to fly at shorter distances, unlike the adult ones. However, the matured ones can climb on several objects such as bales of straw. The commercial turkeys have more active behaviors, including legs stretching, bathing in dust, or ruffling feathers.
Turkeys are social animals. They might feel distressed when isolated. Turkey can spot a stranger in your compound and might even attack them. It would be best to inform your visitors earlier to shun fatal accidents.
The birds are highly vocal. Aggressive domestic turkeys might have higher vocals. As they mature, their aggressive nature does too.
Being the eighth massive living bird, turkeys weigh an average mass of around 39 kilograms.
Turkey breeds
There are different existing breed types of turkey. They might include:
- Broad Breasted White. Most industrial turkey farms prefer this breed for commercial purposes. Also, most individuals consume the Broad breasted white turkey breed. Usually, it is a custom in the U.S. for the species to get the presidential pardon.
- Broad Breasted Bronze. The breed is a table bird developed for commercial purposes.
- Standard Bronze. The classic bronze is similar to the broad-breasted bronze. You can see their differences in the number of breasts alongside the breeding type. The common breed has a single breast and species naturally.
- Bourbon Red. The breed is a bit tiny used in commercials, unlike other breed types. Its feathers are dark red with a combination of white marks.
- Beltsville Small White. The breed began developing in 1934. It is also a minor heritage turkey breed. The breed got accepted into the APA standard in 1951 after its introduction in 1941. Most individuals confuse them with the Midget White breed.
- The chocolate breed. It was a popular breed in France and Southern U.S before the Civil War. Its typical feature is its light brown feathers.
Turkeys’ purposes
Reports show that there is a killing of almost 620 million turkeys each year. The majority of its consumers treat it as their primary cuisine during Christmas celebrations for the English-speaking nations. Also, the U.S. and Canadian residents enjoy turkey meat during the Thanksgiving season.
There was a banning on turkey consumption several years ago. Today, you can slice or ground your turkey, whichever way you like it. Also, you can include it in your diet as a whole similar to chicken. You might need to remove the head, legs, and feathers. The most popular turkey preparation technique is the freezing of the entire turkey.
Have you ever tried sliced turkeys in your sandwich? The feeling is incredible, and you might lose your waistline if you make it a habit. Most individuals mark the grounded turkey as a healthy ground beef substitute.
It would help if you were a pro chef when preparing a turkey for your thanksgiving ceremony with friends. Some cooks face hurdles in making the turkey meat less moistened. For the turkey breasts, you might dip them in breadcrumbs and prepare them as chicken nuggets.
Wild turkeys are different from domesticated ones. They have different tastes and meat appearances; wild turkeys tend to have darker meat. In the late summer, wild turkeys’ meat has a gamey flavor because of the high insects feeding over the months.
While for wild turkeys that fed on grass or grain, their flavors might be milder. There are rare cases of turkey egg sales across the country, unlike ducks, due to their increased demand for whole turkey. The cost of a single turkey egg in the open market is at least US$3.50.
Turkey meat is more nutritional than darker meat. Because of the lower fat content. Turkeys have tryptophan. Therefore, you might feel sleepy after taking its meat.
When cooking your turkey meat, you might opt for the fresh or the frozen one. It might be challenging to get fresh turkeys when the seasons are approaching. You might purchase your meat in advance to shun disappointments.
For the frozen variety, it might take several days for the whole meat to defrost effectively. It would be helpful to acquire an oven when you decide to include turkey in your meal. Bake or roast it in there for some hours while getting the other ingredients for dinner ready.
You might brine your turkey before roasting to improve the taste and moistness. You can employ higher temperatures on the darker turkey meat, unlike the whiter one, to eliminate the myoglobin pigment and maintain the turkey breasts’ moisture.
Turkeys’ fans in the American South prefer deep-frying the meat using turkey fryers. The oil, preferably peanut oil, is too hot and might take around 30 to 45 minutes. The technique might be, however, hazardous. If you are not cautious, you might suffer burns from the hot oil.
Besides turkeys coming in handy in meat production, you can use them for fuel purposes. You can use turkeys’ droppings with a mixture of wood chips for fuels in electric plants. For instance, a particular plant established in 2007 in western Minnesota uses 500,000 turkey wastes every year to produce 55 power megawatts.
Where do turkeys sleep?
Wild turkeys spend most of their time on the ground in the daytime. Turkeys settle on trees in the night or winter season. Turkeys have poor vision at night. Roosting in trees assists them in staying alert from their predators
Turkeys do not rely on a single tree for a longer time. They change trees depending on the current weather or season. During heavy winds or harsher climates, they shift to trees with more giant leaves that can withstand strong winds.
Turkeys can fly up to 50 feet to settle on a tree or to escape from predators. Their tree of choice is not a random tree species. They usually prefer trees that make it easier for them to land. Trees in dense forests might be unsuitable for turkeys. They tend to break objects or branches in their movements.
Also, these trees need to be closer to water and pasture resources for the turkeys to meet their essential needs.
In some regions, it might be tough for these turkeys to find their comfortable habitats. They might need to settle on the nearest tree and land only after sunrise comes up. The more giant turkeys prefer to roost in mature timber logs.
For the younger brooding turkeys, they settle on the ground under their mother’s wings for warmth and comfort. Upon their maturity to poults, they might face anxiety when their mother is not around. In such a situation, the baby turkey might signal the mother through sounds. The mother will immediately come and protect the baby under its wings.
How is it possible for turkeys to sleep on trees without falling? This is because they have a unique quality that allows them to sleep safely on trees. When turkeys go up a tree, they firmly hold the tree branch using their toes before squatting to sleep. They attain a unique position that makes them firm even from solid winds.
For the domestic turkeys, they settle in brooders within the poultry shades. While in their sleep, they tuck their heads within the neck and then cover it below their feathers. However, when the turkeys mature to around two months, they highly prefer to roost outside regardless of the weather.
The homeowner might need to set up a roosting space at this stage. The perfect grass range might span from 4 to 6 inches. The living environment might consist of a safe rood from predators, a section for bathing with dust, freshwater, grass resources, and enough space. The space size might differ depending on the present number of turkeys. For example, twelve turkeys might require 75 feet by 75 feet space.
You might opt to establish a single and massive roost for multiple turkeys or come up with a set of roosts. How do you call a collection of turkeys? Is it a flock, gang, or rafter? Let us check on these different terms below.
What is a group of turkeys called?
Turkeys have different group names. Some of the terms depend on whether the bird is a domestic one or wild.
The term has rare uses among individuals. You might use gang when referring to a group of turkeys. You might confuse them with ‘gangsters’ because they tend to be more notorious and are not afraid of humans. When they feel threatened, they might attack you as a group.
Also, you might use the rafter name to describe a collection of turkeys. Most educated breeders in the U.S. use this name. However, the name cannot apply when referring to the wilder birds. Rafter originates from a Greek word that stands for stitch together.
Flock is a common term among flying or non-flying birds. Most individuals use it to mean a collection of things. It does not necessarily have to be birds. Be it a flock of people or a flock of sheep. The term applies correctly to all aspects.
Common mistake words for a group of turkeys
Individuals use several incorrect words when referring to a group of turkeys. The most common terms are gooble and gabble.
Gabble is a particular term for a group of geese. Because these birds produce some gagging sounds, hence this term, you should not in any way use it to mean a collection of turkeys.
On the other hand, gooble term does not have an association with turkeys. It would be wrong to use this term around aspects concerning turkeys.
How do you call a group of young turkeys?
A group name for young turkeys can be poults or chicks, depending on whether they are domestic or wild birds. For the domesticated ones, you can go with the poult term. The turkey baby is usually younger than four months. The chick term might refer to the wild bird.
Do turkeys come from Turkey?
Frankly, there is no connection between turkeys and Turkey country. The nation does not even have the origins of this bird. The Turks call it Hindi, thinking that it is an Indian native species.
How many turkey types are there?
There are six varying types of turkeys. They might include the Osceola wild turkey, Eastern Wild Turkey, Merriam’s Wild Turkey, Gould’s Wild Turkey, Ocellated Wild Turkey, and the Rio Grande Wild Turkey.
Turkeys are exceptional bird creatures. You can find a turkey in the wild or as a domestic bird. They typically move around in groups as a defensive mechanism from their predators.
Depending on the turkey’s habitat, you might use different group names. If you are in a professional setting, you might consider using the rafter term to mean a group of turkeys. I hope the article becomes helpful in getting the words right.