How Long Do Suppressors Last? – expert Guide

how long do suppressors last

If you’re looking to buy a suppressor for your specific firearm, it’s best to know which model and type to invest in, as the durability of these machines tends to depend on the user. These machines have been so heavily represented in modern media that it’s often difficult to decipher the myths and facts behind … Read more

Do Suppressors Increase Velocity? – Expert Answer

Do Suppressors Increase Velocity

A handful of people often tend to believe that suppressors decrease velocity by slowing down the expansion of the gases that come from behind.To put it simply, a suppressor can increase or even decrease velocity depending on the firearm, temperature, and ammunition, which means there is definitive proof that your suppressor will increase velocity. And … Read more

Do More Baffles Make a Suppressor Quieter?

Imagine using a silencer with absolutely no sound at all. If you are fond of shooting or have a preference for animal hunting, this article is dedicated to you to make a suppressor quieter.The quieter the gun is, the more amazing your shooting experience gets. Well, the baffles in the suppressor make it possible to … Read more

Do Suppressors Reduce Recoil? – Expert GUide


The invisible force that moves you backward immediately after firing a bullet is known as gun recoil. This occurs according to Newton’s third law – for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. As soon as the trigger is pulled, a backward force goes down the gun in response to the forward force … Read more