Most hunting takes place in the fall and winter months. However, you can hunt several types of animals and inland birds, mostly small game, though, in the summer months. Please check with your DNR, game warden or wildlife departments and get properly licensed before doing so. It’s always important to know the laws in your area before you go out hunting in any season, even in the summer.
What Animals Can You Hunt In The Summer

In late August in some states, including Michigan you can hunt elk. Most elk bow hunting seasons start September 1st, however you can find several that start in mid-August. Elk in get quite hot in these summer months and move from sleeping areas to eating areas at night. However, they do head to springs and watering holes in the late afternoon which maybe good place to find them when hunting. Otherwise, I strongly encourage you to hunt them in early more or early evening when it is a bit cooler outside.
Woodchucks and Groundhogs
Woodchucks and groundhogs are part of the squirrel and rodent family. In the summer months it is best to hunt them in the cool parts of the day. When it is too hot out for them they typically hide in their holes in the ground and you won’t be able to find them to hunt. These animals love to eat grass and hay and often times can be found in hay fields. Some farmers and ranchers will welcome you to hunt on their fields if you ask. Prairie dogs are also rodents relatively to woodchucks and groundhogs that can be hunted in summer months. They too like to hid in fields. Overall, these small game animals are great to hunt.
Bushytail Squirrels
Early summer mornings and in the early evening hours are the best time to hunt squirrels. This is when they are most active. Some people prefer to sit quietly in the woods and wait for squirrels to come along, while others will trail for them. Some even find it fun to use dogs for hunting squirrels. No matter what your approach to hunting you take when it comes to squirrels, there are plenty out there and they are great for small game hunting.
Another good animal to hunt in the summer is pheasants. Pheasants are one of the most popular inland birds to hunt, but they also are quite expensive to hunt. Many people hunt pheasants with their rifleand dogs, while others still prefer to bowhunt. If you prefer to hunt pheasants it might be a great idea to get a retriever dog.These birds are most active in the first two hours in the morning and a couple of hours in the evening. So it’s important to get an early start when you go out hunting. Here is an ‘On Assignment’ episode of Pheasant Hunting
Cottontail Rabbits
In summer months, a good way to spending your time hunting is hunting cottontail rabbits or even jack rabbits. They tend to like to hide in thick bush when it’s hot, however they spend a lot of time frolicking in fields. Many farmers welcome rabbit hunters on in their fields to keep populations down and to protect their crops.
Coyotes can be hunted in the summer, however, there are different hunting circumstances for hunting during these hot months. You won’t find many coyotes running the fields or laying in the open grass in the summer months. They will find more shady spots to hide in and will move more in the cooler hours of the day. Coyotes also will more often times be near water in the summer months. Another obstacle for hunting coyote in the summer is the thick summer foliage that grows, making it easier for them to hide. However, with that being said, hunting coyote in the summer is still quite rewarding and fun.
Wild Hogs
Like most animals in the summer months, wild hogs are not so active and can be found in shady, cooler areas. Most of the time wild hog hunting is a spot and stalk hunting method. You can use dogs to help hunt them as well. The best part of hunting hogs in the summer is having a hog bbq! So go ahead, dust of that rifle or bow and go find yourself a hog or two!
Spring Turkeys
Hunting season for turkeys is usually from spring to early summer. So if you are looking for a good bird to hunt in the early summer months, turkey is one of best. Late in the spring and early summer months most hens are on the next however, some Tom gobblers are still on the move. Many turkey hunters buy or make turkey calls for hunting with. It makes it a whole lot easier to find these birds.
Another inland type of bird you can hunt in the summer are pigeons. In some states these are called invasive birds and hunting them is easily allowed. Typically they don’t have bag limits or shooting hour restriction so you can shoot as many as you want, which makes this great small game hunt in the summer. However, be sure to check with you game warden or DNR to make sure of rules and laws before you go out hunting.
Summer months truly bring several different types of small game to the table. There many more smaller wildlife animals that you can hunt in the summer months. And don’t forget you can fish as well! To find a full list of animals you can hunt in the summer contact your local game wardens. I hope you enjoyed this article and learn a few things you may not have known. Feel free to comment on it. And don’t forget to share this article with friends and family. Enjoy the summer hunting!